I'm still thinking about adding another country-specific batch or two of widget-based RSS feeds (most likely, concerning Nigeria); however, I'm still hesitant about doing it right now (for at least a couple of different reasons). That said, there's still the batch of RSS feeds of news from Africa--as well as the similar batches of Sudan-, DR Congo-, Somalia-, and Zimbabwe-related feeds.
Separately, over the past few weeks, I've come across feeds for Pax Communications, Aegis Trust's apparently recently launched blog, the Ethiopian Human Rights Council, the "Addis Neger", the Kenya Human Rights Commission, Room to Read's blog, the University of Oxford's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, the Zoological Society of London, Survival International (which I may have specifically mentioned before), UN Watch (although I have previously mentioned its blog-related feeds), the Aid Workers Network, Amazima Ministries International's "The Journey" and "147 Million Orphans" blogs, Article 19's main site, the Index on Censorship, fesmedia Africa, the Africa Book Project's blog, Ethiopia Reads' blog, Save Africa, Breadline Africa's blog, The Africa Project, Vision Africa's blog, Little Dresses for Africa, the Accordia Global Health Foundation, Jewish Heart for Africa's "News" site, Today's Children, Africa's Future, Project Africa's blogs, Athletes for Africa, Friends of Africa Education's blog, Food and Trees for Africa, the Health Education Africa Resource Team's blog, The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa's blog, Y-Malawi's Ning network, and Nigeria's Community Action for Popular Participation. (Several of these are thanks to Change.org's listings of nonprofits--while others are thanks to Panthera, FIDH, IFEX, allAfrica, and IRIN; because of recent time constraints [and some related issues], I haven't been monitoring many of the usual sources since the previous batch.) - EJM
Social change for the next generation
Young girl with infant child at refugee camp in Darfur. Photo by Dan Scandling, Office of U.S. Representative Frank Wolf