I'm still contemplating adding new widget-based RSS feeds for Nigeria (and/or another country or two); however, I still think that it's best to hold off, for the time being. That said, there are still the recently revamped main batch of RSS feeds of news from Africa--plus the similar batches of Sudan-, DR Congo-, Somalia-, and Zimbabwe-related feeds.
Separately, over the past few weeks, I've come across feeds for what may be a recently relaunched site for the UK's Associate Parliamentary Group on Sudan, Operation Broken Silence's off-site blog, Mary Boyoi's blog, "i on Sudan", the similar "Sudan Vote Monitor", eMoksha's (related) blog, Seed Effect's blog, Calvin Friend's blog, the Africa Peace and Conflict Network, the Project on Middle East Democracy, the blog for Concern Worldwide's U.S. site, World Bicycle Relief's blog, Tostan's (main English-language) blog (see also update below), One Acre Fund's blog, the Carter Center, the "Current Analyst", Freedom House's "Countries at the Crossroads" blog (see also update below), the Netherlands Institute of International Relations/Clingendael, SEED International's various individual blogs, the (unrelated) SEED Initiative, Trade as One, Lift Kids, Cameroon's "Frontier Telegraph", Better Understanding of Life in Africa's various individual blogs, Transparency International, ShelterBox's various national sites, Mediterranea's various multilingual blogs, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, TropIKA, Computer Aid International, the United States Institute of Peace, the UK's Charities Aid Foundation, Wildlife Vets International, the Bretton Woods Project, the blog for the film "As We Forgive", the related Living Bricks, the semi-related True Vineyard Ministries' blog, the European Union Naval Force Somalia/Operation Atalanta, the "Journal of Humanitarian Assistance", MADRE's blog, the Pepper Eater, the Community Conservation Initiative's various individual blogs, World Vision's "ACT:S" campaign and microfinance program, Kenya's iLAB, the related 1% Club's blog, the "African Seer", "Innovation Africa", the "African Business Review", the Tanzania Water Project/MSABI, the Society for International Development's (global) "Forum" site, the semi-related Africa Workgroup of the Society for International Development's Washington (D.C.) Chapter, Global Financial Integrity, the related Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development, TOMS Shoes' blog, the International Center for Journalists' blogs, "PreventionWeb", the "Daily News"/Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe (which supplants the "Zimbabwe Times"), the "New Zimbabwe Situation" news aggregator, South Africa's "Gonubie Bugle", the blog section of South Africa's "NewsTime" (which supplants the "Richmark Sentinel"), and the blog of the South African edition of the "Big Issue". (Some of these feeds are for sites that I have mentioned before but don't recall specifically referring to their feeds; also, some of these sites are thanks to, in no particular order, Mr. Kristof, Mr. Okafor [also here], Mr. Thurston, ReliefWeb, AfricaFiles, allAfrica, the Darfur Fast for Life, Save Darfur, Enough, Global Voices, VOA, Hiiraan, and Reject Apathy; updated [originally], on Monday, to note that I neglected to mention earlier that a few of the feeds above are thanks to the Skoll Foundation.)
Updated (again), also on Monday (and partly to clarify some of the feeds mentioned above), to note feeds for the Tostan- and UNICEF-affiliated Jokko Initiative, the separate (French-language) site and blog for Tostan France, Ethiopia's "NewsDire", Freedom House's main site (which I may have mentioned before), and Moca's blog (thanks to UN Dispatch); updated (further), on Tuesday, to also note feeds for Kenya's Valley View Academy, "Annansi Chronicles" (which I don't think I've mentioned already), and what may be recently revamped/relaunched (and, in most cases, relocated) sites for "Business Daily (Africa)", Tanzania's "Citizen", Kenya's "Nation", Uganda's "Monitor", and the "East African" (which I may have specifically mentioned before); updated (yet again), on Wednesday, to also note feeds for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (which I may have mentioned before; thanks again to UN Dispatch), United Against Malaria (which I also may have already mentioned), "Afrinnovator" (including its aggregator), Kenya's Building Bridges, Butterfly Works' (semi-related) blog, and Africa Gathering's blog (thanks to Aid for Africa); updated (still further), on Friday, to also note feeds for the World Organisation Against Torture's "Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights" section, the "African Bulletin", and Benetech's blog; updated (hopefully for the last time), on Saturday, to also note feeds for the Youth for Technology Foundation (thanks to Mr. Blayton) and the U.S. Youth Exchange and Study Program. - EJM
Social change for the next generation
Young girl with infant child at refugee camp in Darfur. Photo by Dan Scandling, Office of U.S. Representative Frank Wolf