New country-specific feeds from Refugees International have been added to both the big, big batch of widget-based, Sudan-related RSS feeds and the almost-as-big-batch of Zimbabwe-related feeds--while the similar feeds from Human Rights Watch have been removed, as the group's newly revamped site no longer features country-specific feeds. In addition, tag/category-based feeds from CIVIC's "From the Field" and "War Victims Monitor" blogs--plus the feeds for the archived blogs of the Detroit 2 Darfur Coalition (now part of the Michigan Darfur Coalition) and "Quinnipiac without Apathy"--have been added to the Sudan batch.
Separately, for those who may have followed the feeds that were in the (recently revamped) batch of feeds of news from Africa, I've since come across feeds for the the trilingual (Somali/English/Arabic) Somalia-related blog Buqaqable, the Malawi Project, African Insect Science for Food and Health, Africa Aid's blog, Madagascar's Foko, Sierra Leone's Think Build Change Salone, Kenya's Repacted, and Congo Republic's AIDS Rights Congo (almost all of which are either members of Aid for Africa or affiliated with Rising Voices). And, for those who may be following the situation in DR Congo, you may want to check out Women for Women International's "Notes from the Field" blog, Caritas Internationalis's blog, the "Project 58" blog (affiliated with World Relief), and the official World Relief DR Congo blog. (I almost certainly will be able to post new batches of DR Congo- and Somalia-related feeds next weekend; however, they will probably not be very extensive.)
(Updated originally to note that the feeds in the Sudan batch for, the UK's Associate Parliamentary Group on Sudan, STAND's archived blogs, and the related "STAND Stronger" blog have been removed; the Pachodo site is still active, but the feed may have been removed, while the other sites/blogs appear to be gone. Updated further, on Sunday, to note that the Global Dashboard blog does include region/continent-specific feeds, including for Africa. Updated still further, also on Sunday, to rearrange the update listings and to note that category/tag-based feeds from Oxfam America's blog and Duncan Green's "From Poverty to Power" blog [also affiliated with Oxfam] have been added to both the Sudan and Zimbabwe batches; on a related note, the global Oxfam site does feature topic-specific feeds, including for Africa, and the Oxfam Ireland site does have a special "eyewitness blogs" section for DR Congo. Updated yet again, also on Sunday, to note that a third pair of Oxfam-related feeds [from Oxfam GB's "Press Office" blog] have been added to the Sudan and Zimbabwe batches. Updated even further, on Monday, to note that the primary Oxfam International blog does also feature tag-based feeds, including for Africa. Updated still further, also on Monday, to note the Kenyan group blog Kumekucha. Updated yet again, also on Monday, to note the group blog Commentary South Africa. Updated even further, also on Monday, to note Sociolingo's Africa, which does include tag/category-based feeds. Updated still further, also on Monday, to note Niall Keleher's blog, which also includes tag/category-based feeds. Updated even further, on Tuesday, to note Speak Africa's blog section [thanks to UN Dispatch]. Updated yet again, also on Tuesday, to note the Human Rights Digest blog, which primarily posts AI and HRW releases and features country-specific feeds. Updated still further, on Wednesday, to note that the Waging Peace site does feature a feed. Updated even further, on Thursday, to note that's EthioBlog section does feature category-based feeds--including one relating to Somalia. Updated yet again, also on Thursday, to note the "Stop the War in North Kivu" blog. Updated [almost certainly] one last time, on Saturday [29 November], to note Ken Opalo's blog.) - EJM
Social change for the next generation
Young girl with infant child at refugee camp in Darfur. Photo by Dan Scandling, Office of U.S. Representative Frank Wolf