A recent Save Darfur press release...
The Save Darfur Coalition today [Tuesday] praised the unanimous passage of three Darfur-related resolutions in the House of Representatives, including a measure urging more efforts to prevent violence against Darfuri women, including rape and sexual assault. The other two resolutions condemned last month's [September's] attack on African Union peacekeepers, and recognized the efforts of Darfur advocates around the world to raise awareness and spur action to end the suffering in Darfur. All three measures passed unanimously.
"The House of Representatives has spoken loud and clear in condemning the brutal violence against Darfuri women and last month's fatal attacks on African Union peacekeepers," said coalition spokesman Allyn Brooks-LaSure. "The Congress has been at the forefront of raising awareness and pushing key policies to improve the lives of the Darfuri people."
The measure sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas), H. Res 740, condemned the September attacks on African Union peacekeepers posted at Haskanita, Darfur. Rep. Jackson-Lee, along with 56 cosponsors, used the resolution [not only to] condemn the attacks and express condolences to the government of Nigeria for the loss of troops, but also [to express] support for any and all efforts of justice and accountability regarding this attack.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) sponsored H. Res. 726, calling on President Bush and world leaders to "take immediate steps to respond to and prevents acts of rape and sexual violence against women and girls in Darfur." The resolution also urged the Bush administration to establish within the State Department and [the] Agency for International Development a Women and Girls of Darfur Initiative, aiming to increase assistance to female victims, and potential victims, [of] gender-based violence.
Also approved on Monday was a resolution offered by Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), H. Res. 573, recognizing the role [that] the Darfur advocacy community has played in elevating the awareness and sense of urgency surrounding the Darfur genocide. Most importantly, the resolution implores the U.S. government to work alongside the international community in urging multilateral measures against all actors [that] obstruct the pursuit of a lasting peace and security in Darfur.